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Pickleball is BACK!
You have a choice of “Instruction Led” or “Open Play” in Handelman Hall Gym, with all of the advantages for a GREAT Pickleball experience! Began the week of January 27th (no Pickleball on Presidents Week) until Friday, April 11th, (the week before Passover). 10 Sessions in Total
Available to TINR AND non-TINR members. You have it here at Temple Israel! Enjoy! OPTIONS: WAITLIST Monday 8:30-10 pm, Open Play: $118 each OPEN Friday 4 – 5:30 pm, Open Play: $118 each NEW TIME! OPEN Sunday 11:30 am - 1 pm, Open Play: $118 each. Beginning Soon. WAITLIST Monday 7-8:30 pm, Instructor Led: $180 each
What’s Next? Download the TeamReach App, if you haven't already, to sign up for sessions. Once downloaded, use the code TINRpickle to sign up.
Questions? Contact David Soberman, Temple Israel’s Pickleball League Co-ordinator